Writing and argumentative essay
A Topic For A Persuasive Essay That Is Addressed To One Of Your Parents
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Sugar Cane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sugar Cane - Essay Example Presumably the most fundamental commitment of understanding the birthplaces of the plant in world history is describing the concealment of Africans who became slaves in the quest for providing the requirements for the plant's items. Sugar stick has been known for in any event 2200 years going back from the ascent of Alexander the Greta when his military saw the plant during the success of India in 326 BC (Purseglove, 1979). The revelation of Arabs and Greeks on the capability of sugar stick juices to substitute to the famously utilized nectar was a defining moment to the spread of the plant. Western development of Arabs in the seventh and eighth hundreds of years denoted the presentation of sugar in Europe and the West (Heiser, 1981). It is a sub-tropical and tropical plant that develops well on spots with vigorous flexibly of daylight and water - inasmuch as the plant's underlying foundations are not waterlogged (Deerr, 1949). Purgloves (1979) accounts that sugar stick was initially developed for the sole reason for biting in tremendous domains of Asia and the Pacific. The skin was expelled and the inward tissues sucked or bit to separate the sugar and squeeze substance on it. As indicated by the record, creati on of sweet results of the plant by heating up the stick juice was first found in Quite a while, in all probability during the main thousand years BC. It is in the reason for this paper sugar yield would describe the sugar stick items to concentrate on the financial aspects of the product on which the plant has been basically known and utilized because of its properties to create a sweet substance in whatever structure. Preparing of sugar sticks in the case of following the old methodology or the current present day procedure begins with gathering. Gathering of the sugar stick is done through cleaving down the stems. Where conceivable the stick is terminated before collecting to expel the dead leaf material and a portion of the waxy covering. The fire consumes at very high temperatures however is observed to last just for a brief period with the goal that the stick and its sugar are not hurt (www.food-info.net). Collecting is finished by hand during the prior days yet has been finished with machine starting eighteenth century. First phase of preparing is the extraction of stick juice. Bubbling was the fundamental extraction system during the fifteenth century (Purseglove, 1979). With the overhaul of procedures before the nineteenth century, extraction of sugar stick juice incorporated the evacuation of abundance water using machines and tidying up the juice with slaked lime (www.sucrose.com). Simila rly as with the conventional way, dissipation comes next in the process by thickening up the juice in the syrup by evacuating the water through bubbling. In prior years, leaving it as syrup or evaporating the water under the sun or through steaming and having grungy precious stones would have gotten the job done and the way toward delivering the finished result would have finished (Heiser, 1981). With the appearance of machines, even the straightforward customary ones, crystallization happens through careful techniques of bubbling. Subsequent to making the item fit for capacity, affination comes close to constantly refine the final result described to be essentially as sugar. The end
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corporate Governance and Shareholder Litigation †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Examine about the Corporate Governance and Shareholder Litigation. Answer: Presentation: The general guideline of law that is material in the current case gives that the articles of Association of organization tie the individuals from the organization just as the individuals themselves. Subsequently, it very well may be said that the articles add up to an agreement that has been. The organization and its individuals in regards to the rights and liabilities forced on individuals from an enterprise. Subsequently, the law permits a part the organization a similar route as the organization may sue the individuals so as to uphold or control a penetrate of the articles. Along these lines the law gives that the organization is bound to its individuals to the entirety of the articles (Crosling and Murphy, 2009). Then again, if there is a penetrate of the articles by the organization, in such a case the individuals can control the organization and for this reason may bring an order against the company. These arrangements have likewise been given impact by the enterprises law. The refore, it has been given by area 140 of the of the Corporations Act, 2001 (Cth) that the impact of the Constitution of the organization can be portrayed as an agreement under seal that has been made between (I) the organization and every individual from the organization (ii) The organization and its executives, just as the organization secretary, and furthermore (iii) The individuals from the organizations themselves. As to authoritative impact of Constitution of the organization, it should be noticed that this impact is confined to specific conditions. Hence, the custom-based law doesn't give any rights to some other individual in some other limit (Shapira, 2003). A case of the circumstance was seen in Eley v Positive Life Assurance Co Ltd (1876). For this situation, the organization has selected Eley as its specialist forever. In any case, later on, he additionally turned into an individual from the enterprise. His arrangement as the specialist of the organization was likewise re ferenced in the articles of Association of organization. At last, Eley was expelled from his situation as the organization's specialist. Under these conditions, he chose to the organization for the break of agreement. It was held by the court that no rights were presented on Eley because of the articles of organization, in any way, other than his ability as an individual from the organization (Ramsay, 1992). The explanation that these eyes have not been influenced, the court expressed that the activity will fail. Under the precedent-based law, the articles of Association of the organization are considered as an agreement that has been made between the organization and its individuals. This view was additionally been arranged by area 140(1)(a). Similarly, a case of the situation in such manner under the precedent-based law can be given as Hickman v Kent or Romney Marsh Sheep-reproducers Association (1915). For this situation, it was referenced in the articles of Association of the or ganization that if there should arise an occurrence of a contest between the individuals and the organization, yet this should be alluded to assertion under the steady gaze of starting court procedures. In any case, Hickman, legitimately started court activity without alluding the issue to an authority. Thus, the organization end up being fruitful in acquiring a stay of these procedures. It was held by the court that the notice and the articles of Association of the organization added up to an agreement made between the organization and every one of its individuals. Such agreement in the implemented by the organization just as by the individuals. Hence, it was expressed by the court that when certain rights are indicated to be given to an outcast in his ability thusly, regardless of whether the individual along these lines turns into a part, such pariah can't sue the organization based on these articles, thinking of them as an agreement between the individual and the organization so as to authorize these rights (James, 2013). In this way the law gives that no rights can be implemented against the organization, if such right is implied to be presented on such individual by any article of the organization, regardless of whether the individual is a part or not, and in any press the other than as an individual from the organization, for instance as a specialist, executive or advertiser. Under these conditions, it tends to be reasoned that Max can't implement the laws this was the point at which the Constitution of Chocolate Cleaning Products Pty Ltd. what's more, as indicated by which, Max will remain the specialist of the organization forever and he can't be expelled aside from if there should arise an occurrence of carelessness. The purpose for this end is that for this situation Max needs to authorize the statement in his ability other than the individual from the organization. Max won't uphold the proviso as an individual from the organization yet he needs to implement the laws in his situation as the organization's specialist. Subsequently, in such a case, it can't be considered as an agreement between the organization and Max. Consequently, Max can't authorize the condition referenced in the Constitution of Chocolate Cleaning Products Pty Ltd. The issue in this inquiry is if Max can keep the organization from including a proviso which permits the executives to dispossess his offers, albeit a unique goals has been passed by different investors. There are sure principles present in the organizations law that have been created so as to ensure the minority individuals from the organization on the off chance that they need to confront harsh lead. The term minority persecution incorporates the lead that is represented by area 232 of the Corporations Act. So as to manage such lead, the courts have been given broad powers so that truly might be given to an investor was to manage abusive direct (Whincop, 2001). Harsh direct happens, for instance, when the undertakings of the organization, including any proposed or genuine act or oversight or goals happens so that is against the interests of the investors of the enterprise in general or if the lead can be portrayed as severe, unfair or biased against the investor. Under these conditions, segment 232 of Corporations Act manages the lead of the chiefs because of which the minority investors may need to confront business shamefulness. The arrangements of segment 232 are sufficiently wide and no limitations have been set on what might be considered as harsh direct. To see whether the direct can be portrayed as a procedure, the courts apply a goal test. So as to do as such, the courts are required to consider if the specific direct likewise be considered as out of line by any sensible individual. In any case, the lead can't be depicted as abusive. Just thing to reason that such lead is biased or biased for a minority investor. Consequently it is likewise vital that there ought to be a component of injustice, present in the lead (Schreiner, 1979). Under these conditions, it tends to be guaranteed that in the current case, the lead of the lion's share investors of the organization is harsh and unreasonably biased to Max. Along these lines, Max can look for a request from the court, forestalling the consideration of the condition, which permits the executives of Chocolate Cleaning Products Pty Ltd to confiscate the portions of the minority investors, albeit such goals has been passed by different investors of the organization. The issue in the current case is if the goals passed by the official chiefs of Aussie Boats Ltd (AB), as per which the organization was going to give extra offers so as to foil the takeover offer that would have been made by Millionaires on Water Ltd (MWB) can be treated as a break of obligation by these chiefs, especially taking into account the way that the takeover offer is being restricted by these executives to spare their own positions since it is realized that MWB ends the situation of official executives after it has finished a takeover while then again, for the most part the nonexecutive executives are held. Under these conditions, encourage should be given to Banjo if the official executives of AB have penetrated any of their fair or legal obligations. Various obligations have been forced on the executives. These obligations have been recommended by the precedent-based law and simultaneously, they have additionally been consolidated in the Corporations Act, 2001. Above all else, the chiefs owe these obligations towards the enterprise. The reason for these obligations can be found in the standards of sincere trust and responsibility (Hanrahan, 1997). The prerequisites forced on the executives by customary law and legal option to build up the parameters of this obligation however without confining the adaptability of these standards (Pentony, Graw, Parker and Whitford, 2012). The executives are required by the law to release their obligations keeping in see the eventual benefits of the company. For the most part this expression is deciphered as covering just the investors of the organization all in all. Be that as it may, while settling on choices for the benefit of the organization, by and large, the executives may need to manage a few clashing interests. Along these lines, during the ongoing years, the courts have been prepared to give more extension to the chiefs in considering the interests of different people who are influenced by the demonstrations of the organization without infringing on the rule which requires the executives to act to the greatest advantage of the organization (Chumir, 1965). It has been perceived by the courts that acting to the greatest advantage of the organization doesn't imply that the executives should ignore the interests of different partners like the workers, loan bosses and the network, who might be affected by the acti vities of organization. For the most part it is in the drawn out eventual benefits of the organization to consider these interests moreover. Under the current conditions, if the official chiefs of Aussie Boats have settled on a choice to counter the takeover offer made by MWB, just because of the explanation that it is realized that after the takeover, MWB cancels the situation of official executives, it very well may be said that there has been a penetrate of obligation by these di
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Moms Weekend
Moms Weekend Hey guys, So as some of my current student readers already know, last weekend was Moms Weekend, and boy, what a weekend it was. Between running around, trying to show my mom all the attractions and sights she deemed fun, and trying to meet up with my friends and their moms, I feel like I saw more of campus than Ive seen in the last four years! But it was well worth it. With my last remaining days as a student here at Illinois dwindling down, Ive come to appreciate all of the things this school has to offer. So to be able to spend my last Moms Weekend with my friends and both of my parents was really special for me. And by the sight of the picture below, I think my mom had a good time herself. (Papa Miller, Mama Miller, and Me!) As kids, we might not always want our parents right up under us for whatever reason, but we should never take for granted the amazing opportunity it is to be able to share such experiences with them when we can. Until next time, Kenny Kenny Class of 2016 I’m in the Creative Writing program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m originally from Tampa, Florida, but I’ve been calling Illinois my home since 1998. I’ve lived all over the Northwest suburbs, from Palatine to Lakemoor to where I currently live back home, Mundelein.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Hip Hop A Genre Of Music - 1431 Words
Hip hop is widely know as a genre of music that started in a New York City borough called the Bronx in the late 1970s, but it is more than just the music. Hip hop is a culture that consists of being a disc jockey which is also known as deejaying or turntabling, MCing or rhyming â€Å"rapping†, graffiti, fashion, and breakdancing. Hip hop was mostly an underground culture only know to the people living in the Bronx. Hip hop is a relatively new culture which fascinates most people because it of its somewhat aggressive musical performance and how hip hop artists express their feelings about society and how the government treats people of the Hip Hop culture. Hip hop was and is still known as poetry talking about anything from technology to†¦show more content†¦Look at all the money and the famous people.†People in the world, especially in America, thought New York City was heaven. But back then the Bronx was burning†(McDaniels). By this he means that most A mericans believed that New York City was a place where you know that you have become successful and are living a struggle free life because that was the disco culture that was going on. But, the Bronx was part of New York City, and in the Bronx they had a record of about Twelve thousand fires in a single year and everyone in the Bronx was struggling to keep on providing for their families. Some say due to the poor living situations that the kids in the Bronx were going through helped create hip hop, they would go to hip hop parties to take their mind off of everything that was going on in their living situation and thus expanding hip hop. DJ Kool Herc was known for throwing the first Hip hop party on August 11, 1973, which most people say birthed hip hop into what it is known for today. Whenever DJ Kool Herc threw a party he would never play any of the popular disco stuff that they would always play on the radio instead he would play soul music, which is what most black kids would listen to when they were growing up. Another thing to note is that DJ Kool Herc wasn’tShow MoreRelatedHip Hop And The Music Genre927 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is Hip-Hop? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Hip-Hop can be delineated as a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.1 Originating from a disparaged subculture in the South Bronx and eagerly spreading through other sectors of New York City during the 1970’s, Hip-Hop evolved from formerly being a relatively fraudulent style to currently being a commercialized and disseminated music genre among diverseRead MoreHip Hop Is A Genre Of Music1192 Words  | 5 PagesMusic has always been one of the ways that people use to express the connection between their feelings and the outside world with melody, rhythm and sound. There are different genres and many kinds of music from different places and different nationality. Hip hop is a cultural movement that emerged in the 1970s in the United States among Latin Americans, Jamaicans and African American that aimed to protest the social conflicts and violence suffered by the lower classes of urban society. Hip HopRead MoreHip Hop, A Popular Genre Of Music2482 Words  | 10 PagesHip-Hop is a subcultural movement that formed in the early 1970s by African-American, Caribbean and Latino youths. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that it became popular outside of the African-American community and by the 2000s it became the most popular genre of music. However, the subculture has evolved through out the years and the comparison between then and now is growing increasingly big. Hip-Hop in the 80s consisted of music, dance, creativity and artistry. It also allowed people an avenueRead MoreHip Hop Is Widely Known As A Genre Of Music That Started2027 Words  | 9 PagesHip hop is widely known as a genre of music that started in a New York City borough called the Bronx in the late 1970s, but it is more than just the music. Hip hop is a culture that consists of being a disc jockey which is also known as deejaying or turntabling, breakdancing, MCing or rhyming â€Å"rapping†, graffiti, and fashion. Each of these items are key elements in creating hip hop and these key items are part of the hip hop culture. Deejaying was an important factor contributing to hip hop cultureRead MoreHip Hop : A Cultural Movement And Popular Genre Of Music Essay1920 Words  | 8 Pagesthat there s some kind of unity in hip-hop. We all found something that s really important to us, and music is all we ve really got†– Missy Elliot. Hip-Hop is a cultural moveme nt and popular genre of music that emerged during the early 1970 s by working class Black youths in New York City. The cultural movement has rapidly expanded across different countries and ethnicities over the years, becoming one of the few markers that define a generation. Hip-Hop can be seen as â€Å"the fundamental matrixRead MoreRap Or Hip Hop Is More Than Just Another Music Genre940 Words  | 4 PagesRap or Hip Hop is more than just another music genre, it is a movement full of more aspects than one could imagine. The film â€Å"The Art of Rap†directed, produced, and hosted by Ice-T, exemplifies the different aspects and explains the importance of Hip Hop while taking a journey interviewing many legendary MC’s, giving the viewer an inside perspective of this music and the art of MC’ing. This film also heavily resonates with the book Rap Music and Street Consciousness. Ice-T interviews many influentialRead MoreHip Hop Culture And Culture1196 Words  | 5 PagesHip-Hop Culture and race have had a complicated relationship in the past two decades. It has been commonly referred to as â€Å"black music†and a reflection of black culture. However, recent studies done by the Mediamark Research Inc. showed that 60% of rap music buyers are white. With the emergence of white, Latino, Asian, and other rappers with diverse backgrounds on the Hip Hop scene it is important recognize the changing color of the genre and the stereotype it holds as â€Å"black music†. Black cultureRead MoreSimilarities Between Hip Hop And Grime1407 Words  | 6 Pages Musical genre is defined as a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style or subject matter ( the music genre list 2017 ). Today’s music comes in all styles and forms, this makes it difficult to categorize those new and emerging genres. Hip Hop and Grime both have a culture and are both a rap style genre, that shareRead MoreHip Hop Rap Music And Subculture1643 Words  | 7 Pages Hip-hop Rap Music and Subculture The topic I have chosen for this review is the association between a particular music genre and a subculture. In particular, the issue of focus is the association of the hip-hop rap genre with the black youth subculture in America. As a youth subculture, hip-hop emerged in the 1970s from New York City’s borough of the Bronx. The African American community was the root of the music genre, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s. As part of its growthRead MoreThe Music Of Hip Hop Essay1420 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the ages, genres such as Rock and Roll, Pop, RB, and Funk ruled the music spectrum. Before the flow of an emcee rocked the crowd with his/her rhythmic flow, a significant day in music history would soon influence the music industry, cultures, fashion, and make this new genre into a global phenomenon. This significant day was marked on August 13, 1973, or also known as the birthday of Hip-Hop. While Hip-Hop can be commonly be associated with being an emcee/rapper, the art of emceeing
Sunday, May 10, 2020
What Australian Fashion Retailers Can Learn from Zaras...
What Australian fashion retailers can learn from Zara’s product management process to improve their business Australian fashion retailer these days are facing a huge struggle by selling over-priced clothes. However, the globalization has poked Australian retailers to found themselves in the midst of an international fashion invasion, while the markets found themselves starstruck on the attractiveness that international retailers offer. The condition of Australian fashion retailers have been under-serviced and underwhelmed when it comes to fashion choice, especially in affordable variety (Wells 2013). There are only numerous fashion labels are available to dress 23 million people. In addition, the price cannot be compared to international brands’; the volumes produced by big international retailers like Zara and HM are to service global market, unlike Sportsgirl or Country Road who produce much smaller volumes. This does not conclude that Australian fashion retailers will not survive in the near future, although it does make some of them to stand on their toes. Domestic retailers are forced to turn around their fashion clothes much faster to avoid the merchandise cannibalizing by Zara. On the other side of the card, for being fast fashion, Zara may also meet its peak of a slower consumption. Consumers have now become aware of the impact of fast-fashion that may harm environments and work ethic. Even though, Zara has anticipated the issues by coming up with theirShow MoreRelatedLearning from the Fashion Industry: a Structured Literature Review39302 Words  | 158 PagesCRANFIELD UNIVERSITY ELEFTHERIA DIMITRAKOU LEARNING FROM THE FASHION INDUSTRY: A STRUCTURED LITERATURE REVIEW CRANFIELD CENTRE FOR LOGISTICS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT MSc THESIS CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY CRANFIELD SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT CRANFIELD CENTRE FOR LOGISTICS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT MSc THESIS Academic Year 2006-2007 ELEFTHERIA DIMITRAKOU Learning from the Fashion Industry: A Structured Literature Review Supervisor: Dr. Chris Morgan August 2007 This thesis isRead MoreToyota Supply Chain78751 Words  | 316 PagesSUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT A STRATEGIC APPROACH TO THE PRINCIPLES OF TOYOTA’S RENOWNED SYSTEM ANANTH V. IYER SRIDHAR SESHADRI ROY VASHER New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright  © 2009 by Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, and Roy Vasher. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Introduction Leadership and management Free Essays
Introduction Leadership and management are two different subjects but both are essential for an organizations growth. Leadership is â€Å"A relationship through which one person influences the behaviour or actions of other people†(Smith P et al 2012), whilst â€Å"Management is more about getting things done on a day-to-day basis and ensuring consistency†(Smith P et al 2012). In simple context Managers helps in doing the right thing where as Leaders do the right things. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction Leadership and management or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having a strong Leader and Management an organization can reap the benefits of Competitive advantage as it would distinguish them to be an organization with core values, goals and scope which will eventually help them grow. It is understood that successful leaders do not habitually behave in similar ways. They may, in fact, act in a different way even if the situation presented is similar which would arguably come down to their personalities. Furthermore, different leadership traits may be required in different circumstances. This Case Study is a perfect example of how different Leaders and their Management have direct implications on their organization, even though both the Companies discussed in the case study are in similar industries. The Companies Discussed in the Case Study is Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair, Sir Richard Branson Being the Leader and Founder for Virgin and Michael O’Leary for Ryan Air. This Essay would look at how different Leadership, Management and Motivation style and theories they can adopted for their respected companies. The second part of this essay covers how these theories have impacted their companies externally and internally. Comparison and Contrasting Elements Leadership Qualities, Management Motivation. There is no denying that both Sir Richard Branson and Michael O’Leary are leaders and face for their respective Companies. Both of them have Strong Personalities and have a huge appetite for media presence. Sir Richard Branson is a Leader who believes in relationships whether they are employees, friends or business partner. He is always smiling and is a fun character to be around with. In Contrast Michael O’Leary is known to be a acerbic personality who doesn’t care much of what other people think of him as long as he is delivering them the service in need and is making profit. According to the 7 approaches (Laurie J Mullins 2007) it can be concluded that the leadership styles vary drastically between the two. Sir Richard Branson has more of Democratic Style of Leadership as he delegates to subordinates and is open to the idea that good ideas can come from anywhere and anytime. He has said before, â€Å"Virgin Group is an organization driven on informality and information, one that is bottom heavy rather then strangled by top level management†, (Wikipedia) giving the impression that he listens to his people well below the management level. Whilst O’Leary on the other hand is more of an Autocratic figure as a leader. He believes that as long as there are results portraying the success of the business, it is more than just an employee contribution, it is the decision making ability of him and the higher authorities. Branson’s way of leadership adopts people traits (Mcgreggor 1960) whereas O’Leary has more of a Quality and acceptance of leader’s decision (Vroom and Yetton). According to Tannenbaum and Schmidt, Branson is more inclined towards the area of non-managers freedom specifically the 3rd arrow from left whereas O’leary is more towards area of freedom for manager specifically 2nd arrow from the right. (Source: Tannenbaum, R. and Schmidt, W. H. ‘How to choose a leadership pattern’, Harvard Business Review, May/June 1973, p. 167. ) These Leadership Styles have a direct correlation with how they manage their respective organizations. Since Branson is more of a democratic leader and likes to delegate it can be concluded that Human Relations approach (Management Theories ‘Management Schools) is more his style of Management, he makes sure that his staffs is motivated and willing to keep up the brand name by offering excellent services to their custo mers. Since Virgin is in the long-haul market and is operating in different countries the organizational structure is more of a ‘Divisional Structure’, as the company is geographically mapped and is Customer Orientated. Whereas O’Leary’s Ryanair could be classified to be using the Classical Approach of Bureaucracy (Max Weber 1947), Weber states that a bureaucratic organisation is technically the most efficient form of organisation possible†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The bureaucratic organisation becomes typical of all the modern societies. Pugh Hickinson 1996) There is not a single theory or approach to leadership that fails to recognize that a fundamental quality of leaders – irrespective of whether leadership is innate, learned, situational, or whatever – is an ability to inspire and motivate people (Clegg, S. Et al 2006 Managing and Organizations). One of the key elements for a business to prosper is Motivation whether they are financi al or Non-financial incentives. Both Branson and O’ Leary have contrasting styles of leadership and management which further leads to different styles of Motivation. Branson being the fun loving personality he is interacts with his employees. While Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory (1959) Motivators appear to be the case for Branson and his company, O’Leary’s on the other hand with his Low cost Driven and no Frills Strategy fits more with the Process Theory for Motivation Like Equity Theory ( John Stacy Adams 1963) Where he expects his employees to expect outputs according to their inputs as stated in the case that Ryanair’s Cabin Crew is through a third party specifically named Crewlink. These Motivation theories can further be linked to Blake McCanse (1991) Leadership model with Virgin being Country Club Management and Ryanair being Authority Obedience Management. Both Companies can also adapt to Theory X and Theory Y Humans relations approach (Douglas McGreggor 1960). Ryanair will adopt Theory X to motivate its employees while Virgin Atlantic Theory Y. Impact on the Companies by Leadership Styles and Behavior. Both Virgin and Ryanair have had their fair trade of success and complaints. Having different Leadership and Management Styles lead to a difference in their organizational culture, Branson and O’Leary were subjective to many different outcomes which had a significant effect on their businesses. Virgin Being in the longhaul airline business has more competitors as he is the kind of person who thinks big. His competitors consist of International Airlines such as How to cite Introduction Leadership and management, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Swot Analysis and Retail Industry free essay sample
Social analysis3 Technological analysis3 Industry3 Competitors4 Issue that caused Woolworth decline and new opportunity6 SWOT Analysis7 Strengths7 Weaknesses8 Opportunity8 Threats9 Issue that caused Woolworth decline and new opportunity9 Recommendation of new strategies10 Conclusion11 References12 Introduction Woolworths was first opened in Sydney (Datamonitor, pr 1). The company deals with the sale of electronic goods, general merchandise, liquor (Safeway liquor) as well as grocery. One of the major challenges that face the company is competition. This is because the supermarket industry in Australia is very competitive. The company’s major competitors are the composite buyers, Cole’s, IGA and the franklins. Moreover, the company also faces competition from the Audi (Datamonitor, pr 1). The company also has the health and safety policies that ensure that they are committed to ensuring workplace safety. They include a risk management approach, effective employee consultation as well as effective implementation of the policy (Datamonitor, pr 1). PEST analysis of the world In their day-to-day running businesses are affected by macro-environmental factors, which are analyzed, using a pestle analysis. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Analysis and Retail Industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A pestle analysis is simply a framework that classifies environmental influences as political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (Kotler et al 68-108). Political analysis Woolworth success can also be linked to the peaceful environment. It is evident that, peace has prevailed in Australia due to political stability. This has not only seen the growth of the retail industry, but also many businesses in the region have succeeded. It is evident that, a stable political environment results to an effective economic environment (Kotler et al. , 68-108). Economic analysis Economic factors are economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rate. As currently Japanese, United State and Hong Kong currencies are going down, but Australia’s currency is keep growing up, exchange rate goes down from Australia to other country, under this situation, Australian should import some products from other countries in a lower price and sell in Australia, which can helps decrease the outlay and earn more money. Base on this information, Woolworth should also look for some new brand from other country and import them to get advantage under the economic growth which can should import some products from other countries in a lower price and sell in Australia, which can helps decrease the outlay and earn more money. Social analysis Social factors often look at the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Social cultural trends can show that the changes of consumer tastes and behavior. As In the last thirty years, Australia has liberalized its immigration policy and opened its borders to Europe, Middle-East and Asia. This has caused a real shift in self-perception as Aussies begin tore-define themselves as a multi-cultural and multi-faith society rather than the old homogenous, white, Protestant nation. Under this situation, Woolworth should import Europe, Middle-East and Asia’s foods and stuffs, because there are more and more people come to Australia, stuffs from their home country can reduce their home-sick, also increase customer’s loyalty and satisfaction. Technological analysis Technological factors include ecological and environmental aspects and can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Some technologies such as CCTV cameras for monitoring customers during self-service must also be up to date to ensure efficiency. In addition to this, the use of social Medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, and You Tube can also assist the firm greatly in terms of advertisement. As Facebook, F-commerce, called Facebook commerce. Facebook have more 800 million users in the world. People can get some free advertisement simply though Facebook’s â€Å"Like†and â€Å"Share†, it is a good way to promo their goods, also people do not have to spend money on it. So, this is the free promotion for the goods and the effective strategy to expand their product to the world. (K. O. Hara, 2011) Industry The retail industry of Australia is a major catalyst to the economy of the country. Additionally, it is the barometer to the economic health of future growth prospects of the country. The function of this industry is to serve as an intermediary for the producers and offer the services that complement its sales (Smith 33-50). The Gross Domestic Product growth of the industry has also been so strong making the total growth in the industry to be 7,850 million US dollars. The industry has 3,760 businesses, which run 4,340 establishments. The major players in the industry include Woolworths Limited, Coles, Franklins, IGA and the Audi. It is apparent that the industry until now has presented relatively high-to-high attractiveness for the players in the industry (Smith, pp. 3-50). This is due to the high barriers to entry as well as the weak bargaining power of the buyers and suppliers making the profitability very high especially for Woolworths the company in question. Nevertheless, the future environmental changes are set to change the attractiveness of the industry to moderate. This means that even the profitability of Woolworths will also decrease in the future. This is due to the fact that it is postulated that the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers will increase. For this reason, Woolworths’ ability to beat its competitors as well as maintain a competitive advantage is highly dependent on the company’s capabilities and resources (Smith, pp. 33-50). Most importantly, it depends on how the capabilities and the resources will be exploited in the future when the attractiveness of the industry as well as profitability declines. Luckily, there is low threat of substitute products or services in supermarket retail industry, supermarket is an irreplaceable business, and they sell everything as daily necessary, food, drink, fruit or even DIY cake kit. There are no other place can buy let people buy everything in one place, for example, convenience shop as 7-11, although they open 24 hours and 7days, but people might cannot find the thing which they really want to buy in 7-11, however, they can find that in Woolworth. At the result, people must choose supermarket be their first choice if they want to buy everything in one place. Competitors However, they have very high intensity of competitive rivalry, as the Australian retail industry has a very high concentration. This is because it has few major players competing in the industry. They include Woolworths, Coles, Aldi as well as IGA. The Woolworths is able to compete with its competitors as well as doing well for their position in the industry by using such tactics as product introduction, advertising and price competition (Smith, pp. 33-50). The threat for new entrants within the Australian retail industry is relatively low and it is estimated that it will remain so. This is because the insidious conjunction of local zoning laws and leasing agreements has resulted to an artificial scarcity of grocery store sites (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 42-65). Consequently, potential new entrants have been prevented from entering the Australian retail industry. Also, Woolworth’s competitors had their own competitive advantage to help them be out standing in supermarket industry, one of the big competitors is Aldi, which is the first grocery retailer in Australia to introduce a National Pricing Policy across all Aldi stores which means they guarantee their product will be all seem price even in different branch. People shouldn’t have to pay more for their groceries simply because of where there live, people will pay the same low prices on groceries in every ALDI store in Australia. It’s Aldi’s way of keeping things fairer for all Australians, but Woolworth does not have such Policy as Aldi, every branch of Woolworth, their product’s price is different, for example, seem product in Boxhill’s store is on sale but the Woolworth in city might not for sale. Sometime customers need to pay more because of where they live; it is so unfair to customers. Also, Aldi is target on middle to low income families’ market, they are selling products which are all made in Australia, it can help Aldi to decrease their outlay and decrease their price setting, and customers can enjoy the product in a lower price, it can gain more customers satisfaction and also if customers are buying more in one time, Aldi can earn more income as well. Another huge competitor of Woolworth is Coles, both of them are target to the same market which is from all locations, of all ages, gender, and income, putting in mind their behaviours and lifestyles in order to satisfy their wants and needs. The firm targets Time saver buyers, Family Shoppers and International students (Round, pp51-64). This means that, the firm encompasses geographical, demographic, behavioural and psychological market segmentations. Coles is being outstanding in retail industry, they have different product range with others, they have a new product line of clothes call â€Å" Mix Apparel†, it can helps them to attract more customers and gain more customers satisfaction because people can really buy everything they want in one place. Also, there are some Coles’ store are open 24 hours in Melbourne which did not provide by Woolworth, it can give service to some customers who sleep late, although it cannot help them to earn much money but it can helps them to gain customers satisfaction. Moreover, Coles has a well management as a pervious news about dried milk: Some dried milk for baby which made in China has poison which is not good for baby, so a lot of Chinese buy dried milk from Australia then bring back to China and sell in China, it cause there are lack of dried milk in Australia, Woolworth made a decision to avoid Chinese monopoly dried milk, they set a limit which is everyone can buy 4 packs of dried milk only, therefore everyone can buy dried milk, this strategy indeed solve the problem but not a clever strategy. On another hand, Coles did not set limit, they contact more supplier and increase inventory, therefore people can get as much as they want, this strategy can solve the problem, and gain customers satisfaction and customer loyalty also, and it is a win-win situation. Issue that caused Woolworth decline and new opportunity Base in the discussion above, Woolworth was being quite successful because of they had good service and they launch of â€Å"Fresh Food People†in 1987 was supported by an advertising campaign that ran for several years. And also as said above, low threat of substitute products or services in supermarket retail industry, supermarket is an irreplaceable business, and they sell everything as daily necessary, food, drink, fruit or even DIY cake kit. There are no other place can buy let people buy everything in one place. However, Woolworth had been not very successful in these few years, there is some reason that made them be decline. Firstly, although Woolworth offers its range of products conveniently and at affordable prices to ensure a competitive advantage (Round, 51-64), this pricing strategy is not target on middle to low income people, a lot of people as those people who are come to Australia for their working holiday, they do not have so much money to buy their foodstuffs or some daily necessary in a higher price, these people will choose some cheaper supermarket as Aldi instead of Woolworth, because Aldi will provide goods with lower price but in good quality, there are no reason to choose Woolworth under this situation. Actually Woolworth can extend their target market to low-high income family, it is a huge range, but because Australia’s economic growth, they can import product from some low cost country supplier which can help to decrease the outlay, therefore they can decrease their price to suitable those low income family, and gain their satisfaction. Another reason that cause Woolworth decline is because there are high competition in this industry, Coles has well management and they have their own clothes product line, Woolworth need to be unique in this industry, they should additional hours in stores as Coles has 24 hours stores and also publish their own brand line and launch new brand. SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis is one of several strategic planning tools that are utilized by businesses and other organizations to ensure that there is a clear objective defined for the project or venture, in order to accomplish this task, the process of SWOT involves four areas of consideration: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Deakin 2004). Strengths We know Woolworth is huge supermarket in Australia. They have lots of stores around Australia with good location. That can be the strength for them. Woolworth Limited has a number of stores within Australia. They manufacture they own branded goods as well as supply goods from local suppliers and other major brands. Woolworths Limited deals with final consumer products/organic products ranging from foodstuffs, groceries and liquor, which have short life, cycle (Round, pp51-64). Also they have a strong brand name and reputation among customers. Moreover, they will offer discounted prices sometimes which increase footfall in store and developed merchandising, direct purchasing, sales and customer service practices commonly used today, which is very convenience to customers. Also Woolworth has very high quality advertisements to help them to promote their brand, In order to emerge successful in the retail market, the company employs a combination of promotion strategies, which include advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotions. By so doing, they are able to ensure effective communication in the marketing process (Round 51-64), which helps them get better sales and get more profit. Weaknesses The weakness of Woolworth is the brand has failed to sustain its competitive advantage, although Woolworth is huge, competition from similar companies is also likely. Being successful, they are open to attack on any ethical stance low pay and poor work conditions, supply of goods from poor cheap labor countries, and environmental issues. Moreover, they do not have National Pricing Policy across all Woolworth stores which mean they did not guarantee their product will be all seem price even in different branch. Sometime customers need to pay more because of where they live; it is so unfair to customers. Opportunity The opportunity of Woolworth is Woolworth can tap and import Europe, Middle-East and Asia’s foods and stuffs into the market to gain more customers satisfaction and loyalty, especially those customers who are come from Europe, Middle-East and Asia. In fact, these people are occupying a part of the population. Moreover, Woolworth can extend their target market. For its new venture, Woolworth’s targets customers who at least have a home or who want to have one. Also, they need target on those people who with low income. Generally, reduce the price of the company’s products as well as priced to enable its customers even those with low incomes to afford to purchase and also follow National Pricing Policy to set the same price in all branch, therefore, customers will not have to pay more because of where they live. On another hand, because they have a huge brand name, the brand can tap new emerging markets like emerging and developing countries as South East Asia. Threats The threats of Woolworth is there have so competitor in this retail industry, and they have their own competitive advantage to be out standing in this industry, but Woolworth do not have any signature to being outstanding in the industry as much as their competitor has. Also, although they manufacture their own branded goods as well as supply goods from local suppliers and other major brand and sell in a lower price, but their high discount products and horrible packaging sometimes perceived as low quality products in consumer minds. Moreover, there are not easy to develop more branches in Australia because marginal pressure due to high real estate prices restricting the opening of more stores. Issue that caused Woolworth decline and new opportunity According to â€Å"Sun Zi Art of War†said â€Å"know yourself, know your enemy; hundred battles, hundred won. †(Wee 2002) Based on the SWOT analysis above, know Woolworth themselves, analysis shown that Woolworth was successful because of they have a strong brand name and reputation among customers and also have lots of stores around Australia with good location, therefore customers is easy to go shopping because of good location, and they have a really good advertisement to helps them to improve their image to customers. Although they had been successful, now is being worst because of there are huge competition in supermarket retail industry. Known their enemy, their competitor has their own competitive advantage to be out standing in this industry, Woolworth do not have any signature to being outstanding in the industry as much as their competitor has. Also there are not easy to open more branches in Australia because of high real estate prices in Australia. There still have some new opportunity; they can tap some Europe, Middle-East nd South East Asia supplier, Woolworth can get advantage under Australia’ economic growth and decrease their outlay, and gain customers satisfaction especially those people from Europe, Middle-East and Asia, they are a part of Australia population. Moreover, repackage their own brand product, because the package that they have now is really terrible, customers would not like to buy a product like this. Recommendation of new strategies Strategy is about shaping th e future (Mckeown, 2012). Woolworth currently need some new strategies to help them the rate of sales goes up, based on the discussion above, the report has few recommendations. 1. Launch new brand A lot of companies are using this strategy to gain larger customer base such as Coles and Mix Appeal, Woolworth can launch their own clothes product line with their own design and own packaging. 2. Expand to global market: New stores oversea Woolworth can establish outsource distribution channel. As the retail industry is increasing, the increase of the service of delivery is necessary. Woolworth can establish store or ware house off shore such as in Hong Kong and delivery direct to the customers’ door. Especially the history of Australian brand launch in oversea as Cutton on launched in Hong Kong, they have a really good profit because in asia Western’s brand will be more popular than domestics brand. 3. Target market Woolworth should extend their target market to low-high income family, generally, these are individuals who have an income thus can afford to have a home. However, the company’s products are well priced to enable its customers even those with low incomes to afford to purchase. To archive the goal, they can tap some new supplier from low cost country. 4. Tap new supplier Australia is a multi-cultural country, there are lots of people are come from Middle-East Europe and Asia. To take benefit under this situation, Woolworth can find new supplier from those country, it can helps to gain customer satisfaction and loyalty, and also because of the currency of Australian is growing up, they can import those product in a lower price and sell in Australia, it can decrease the outlay but increase the profit. 5. National price policy Follow National Pricing Policy to set the same price in all branch, therefore, customers will not have to pay more because of where they live, therefore gain trust from customers and gain customers satisfaction. Conclusion After the analysis of Woolworth, include PEST, Porter 5 forces and SWOT analysis, found that there are so many competitors in supermarket retail industry, Woolworth’s competitors had their own competitive advantages, so Woolworth needs to be changed their strategy, to gain more competitive advantage and become more successful.
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